When the automatic transmission is in position D, it is possible to restrict or derestrict the shift range.
The shift range selected is shown in the multifunction display. The automatic transmission shifts only as far as the selected gear.
Driving situations
Restricting the shift range
► Pull the left-hand steering wheel paddle shifter .
The automatic transmission shifts down one gear and restricts the shift range to the relevant gear.
If the engine exceeds the maximum engine speed when shifting down, the automatic transmission protects against engine damage by not shifting down.
If the maximum engine speed for the shift range is reached and you continue to accelerate, the automatic transmission shifts up in order to prevent the engine from overrevving, even if the shift range is restricted.
Derestricting the shift range
► Pull the right-hand steering wheel paddle shifter .
The automatic transmission shifts up one gear and restricts the shift range to the relevant gear.
Clearing the shift range restriction
► Pull and hold the right-hand steering wheel paddle shifter until D is shown again in the multifunction display.
The automatic transmission shifts from the current shift range directly to D.
Selecting the ideal shift range
► Pull the left-hand steering wheel paddle shifter and hold it in position.
The automatic transmission shifts to the gear which allows optimum acceleration and deceleration. To do this, the automatic transmission shifts down one or more gears.
The automatic transmission cannot shift down beyond second gear. To shift to first gear, you have to pull the left steering wheel paddle shifter.
Parking brake
If you must brake the vehicle with the parking
brake, the braking distance is considerably
longer and the wheels could lock. There is an
increased danger of skidding and accidents.
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