This Operator's Manual describes all models and all standard and optional equipment of your vehicle available at the time of publication of the Operator's Manual. Country-specific differences are possible. Please note that your vehicle may not be equipped with all features described. This also applies to safetyrelated systems and functions.
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Headlamp cleaning system
The headlamps are cleaned automatically if the "Wipe with washer fluid"
function is operated five times while the
lights are on and the engine is running. When
you switch off ...
Convenience closing feature
Important safety notes
When the convenience closing feature is
operating, parts of the body could become
trapped in the closing area of the side window
and the sliding sunroof. There is a ...
Assistance menu
In the DriveAssist menu, you have the
following options:
• show the distance display
• activate/deactivate Blind Spot Assist or Active Blind Spot Assist
Showing the distance disp ...